Co-founder’s Testimony
Nathaniel Hajjami
Nathaniel, Co-founder of MBB Ministries
Nathaniel was born in Casablanca, Morocco, in 1982 into a modest family and raised in the Islamic faith from a young age. One of his earliest memories of religion was when his father —who in his younger years was an imam of his village mosque himself — took him to the local neighborhood mosque for the first time to participate in The Friday’s Prayer as it was customary. This experience sparked a deep curiosity in him about religion, even though he was only 7 years old at the time. In his testimony, he tells of a time when he encountered the Gospel of John at 8 years old but found it difficult to understand especially the opening verse John 1:1-3 which speaks of Jesus as the Word, and the conclusion of John 21:25 where it says, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written”. These verses left him with a lingering question that would stay with him for years: Who is this man called Jesus, or 'Yashoua,' as it is pronounced in his native language?
This question continued to stir in his heart until his eventual conversion, setting him on a life-changing journey of discovery and faith.
As a teenager, he had the opportunity to leave Morocco to study overseas where he was introduced to Christ and the body of born-again believers for the first time, an experience that prompted the beginning of a 4 years long search for the truth that eventually led to his conversion to become a committed follower and disciple of Jesus Christ.
Early on following his conversion, Nathaniel joined Operation Mobilization South Africa to learn evangelism and mission work, humanitarian aid, and to further develop his understanding of God's heart for the nations. He visited over 40 countries and was called to serve the Lord through business as mission and several other ministries throughout his journey as a believer. Nathaniel resides in the United States and has 5 children who all know, trust and believed in the Lord Jesus from a very young age. Nathaniel graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University, he is also a real estate broker and owns multiple businesses, and co-founder of MBB Ministries.
Why do we Care about the Lost and the Persecuted?
One of the first truths I learned about my new identity in Christ is that I am loved and valued by God and that there is nothing that could separate me from the love of God, as Paul wrote in his letter to the church in Rome he states: ”And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Romans 8:38-39.
This revelation helped me as a teenager and continues to help me now in my 40s to stay grounded in my faith no matter the circumstances, I believe it's a key truth that every new believer should learn early in their walk with God. It gives confidence in His power to save and helps us stay rooted in His love.
Another important truth is that every believer is called to fulfill the mission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19. As followers of Christ, we are His representatives on earth, and the best way we can make the world better is by sharing God’s love and the message of salvation with everyone. I truly believe that if the Church stands united in this mission, we can reach people all over the world, one person at a time, no matter their background or beliefs. If Jesus can reach me, He can reach anyone. And Jesus chose the Church to be His instrument for bringing people to salvation and saving them from hell.
Our mission to bring the Gospel to the nations is just the beginning. If we look closely at Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19, we see that it is not complete on its own—it must be understood in the context of verses 18 and 20. In verse 18, Jesus assures us, “All authority has been given to Me,” and because He holds all authority, He delegates that authority to us as His body. This means we must operate from a place of divine authority if we are to see the fulfillment of the mission in verse 19.
However, many of us mistakenly believe that simply preaching the Gospel in distant parts of the world is enough. But Jesus continues His command in verse 20, saying, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” This is the key to understanding what it means to make disciples. Jesus isn't just looking for followers—He desires fully committed disciples who are obedient to His teachings. There were many who followed Him temporarily, but He calls us to something deeper and more lasting.
The work of the Church does not end with preaching the Gospel to all nations. Our true calling is to make disciples of all nations—teaching them to follow Christ, to live out His commandments, and to become fully devoted believers. As a Church, we are not only obligated to spread the Gospel but to also invest in the ongoing discipleship of new believers, supporting the work of the Gospel wherever the Lord leads.
Like the apostle Paul, I strongly believe that the Gospel will be received more readily and spread more rapidly when shared by indigenous evangelists and church planters. These local believers, who already understand the culture and context, do not require years of "cultural training" to reach the lost effectively.
I urge every church that is passionate about fulfilling the Great Commission to stand alongside these faithful workers. Let us support, pray for, and provide financial assistance to indigenous church planters wherever they may be. Together, we can empower them to reach their communities with the hope of the Gospel, making a lasting impact on the Kingdom of God. Your partnership can make all the difference in advancing the mission of Christ around the world.
It is out of that passion placed on my heart that MBB Ministries was founded. Through it we can bridge the gap between the church and the unreached, taking the Gospel to places where traditional methods of outreach cannot reach. Our mission is to empower local believers and support church planting efforts in regions that are often overlooked, ensuring that the message of Christ spreads to every corner of the Muslim world. Through partnerships and targeted efforts, we aim to bring the hope of the Gospel to those who have yet to hear.